Cloudfy’s best-in-breed b2b ecommerce software comes out-of-the-box with a robust set of multi-level approval features to accommodate your wholesale clients who demand an authorization process for their purchase orders. Often referred to as multi-level authorizations (MLA). Inside the Cloudfy dashboard, you (as an administrator) and your clients have the ability to set up log-ins for buyers, managers and any other overseers who your clients need to be involved in the purchasing process. Relevant orders will only be confirmed when the appropriate personnel, in your buyer’s organization, have officially signed off.
When MLA is activated, all stakeholders in your clients’ workflows will be able to see orders and payments awaiting approval. Orders of different values can be directed to different people.
User only see approval checkboxes for payments they have permission to authorize. They can review the order details before signing off and any questions can be sent back to the buyer before the order is finalized.
Once approved, a confirmation message is sent to the original submitter.
What’s more, you can set rules based on different criteria. For example, approvals may only be required for orders over $X.

Easy Monitoring
All the steps in a multi-level authorization process can be easily seen, along with the limits that each person can approve.
Easy Overrides
If your buyer is in a hurry, or someone in the workflow isn’t available, it’s also easy to redirect the approval to someone else.
Easy Reporting
The whole process can be reviewed in easy-to-use reports. Monthly, quarterly or annual limits can be set so there’s no risk of overspending.
If you’re in need of a B2B ecommerce software with a comprehensive set of approval configurations to meet your clients’ needs, contact us now to schedule your free Cloudfy demo.