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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on many organizations and triggered an accelerated shift towards digital transformation. At Cloudfy, we’ve been helping dozens of B2B companies accelerate growth online for years through our B2B-first ecommerce platform that provides rich, out-of-the-box functionality, while helping maintain a lower TCO (total cost of ownership). 

We’ve also seen first-hand the disruption caused by this pandemic, and as increasingly more organizations turn to the online world to help them cope with venue closures and social distancing, we want to help any B2B charities or Not for Profit (NFP) organizations that are looking to launch a B2B ecommerce website. 

During the month of June 2020, we are offering a 50% off discount on all the Cloudfy plans for any Charity or Not for Profit organizations looking to rapidly move their stores online and embrace B2B ecommerce. 

For more information about this offer and how Cloudfy can help, get in touch with our team today!

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