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Your small to medium-sized business to business (B2B) company is what SAP Business One was originally designed for. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a small-scale enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution.

Across the world more than 20,000 organizations use SAP Business One for everything from two to hundreds of users across multiple sites and countries.

Scalability and power are the things that make it so attractive. You can use to it automate key functions like finance, human resources, inventory, sales, customer relationship management (CRM) and project management.

Going back to its roots as a solution for small to medium-sized business, it retains functions and features that are well-suited to smaller business needs. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Easy to manage – It’s designed to allow an internal super user to maintain and administer the system. This makes maintaining current information about users and authorizations, system configurations and updates to fields and tables manageable.

Easy to implement – SAP Business One tools make it easy to configure, integrate, and develop solutions to suit your business. There’s a wide range of online training, forums and user support available to help team members understand and use the system.

Easy to use – Functions can be customized around the robust accounting core to meet all types of operational needs. It doesn’t matter how complex your requirements might be, the straightforward navigation means it will be easy to use. Your users can even have tailored views using on-screen widgets and they can set up their own frequently used shortcuts.

Easy to build relationships – The CRM component allows you to set up, import or manually enter customers and leads in the sales order section. You can link specific clients with different parts of your business. To improve your sales order tracking you can also add key stages in the sales process and expected closing dates.

Your customers’ can see their own pricing and order history and can send orders directly from your website to SAP. Your online business will become easier to manage and you’ll be delivering a more personalized experience at the same time.

Easy inventory management – In manufacturing and warehousing environments this is a powerful tool for inventory management. The materials resource planning (MRP) module gives you in-depth analytics and predictive functions.

Easy project management – You can also apply predictive analytics and tracking to project management. There are many different ways to access and drill-down through layers of information to find all the details you need. In fact, you can have almost any type of report you want and export it easily to a spreadsheet for information sharing.

Easy currency calculations – If your business is international, currencies can be allocated to specific areas and they can be converted at the end of the day. You can keep up to date with simulated currency conversion reports throughout the day.

Integrated with Cloudfy

Now SAP Business One is fully integrated with Cloudfy to provide a really powerful, scalable B2B ecommerce solution in the Cloud for a monthly subscription. Running on multiple servers you can be confident that you will have exceptional levels of availability and security.

Get in touch to book a free demonstration of this powerful integrated B2B ecommerce solution.

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