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What B2B purchasers want to know about your business

What B2B Purchasers Want To Know About Your Business

Getting the design, content and functionality of a B2B website right can be the difference between meeting your goals and falling short.

There can be a temptation to get as much information and as many products as possible in front of site visitors. But any site that’s overly busy, clustered, or difficult to use will only see potential customers searching elsewhere.

So if you’re considering updating, upgrading or reworking your B2B website, we’ve picked a few points to consider that will help you meet B2B purchasers’ requirements and provide them with everything they need to make a decision as to whether or not to shop with you.

Make info clear and up-to-date

First things first, you need to make it clear and obvious what you’re all about.

What do you specialize in? What are your main product lines? What makes you stand out from the competition?

The chances are that site visitors won’t have just stumbled across your site by accident. They’re there for a reason. So give them the information they want quickly. What can they buy from you? What options and offers might they be interested in?

And be sure to keep info on stock levels and availability up to date. This avoids unnecessary problems down the line where orders are not easily fulfilled due to stock levels not being accurately reflected on your website. The last thing you want is for a customer to place a big order, only to realize that you don’t have the stock levels required. This will result in an awkward exchange that will likely impact customer confidence.

This is why it’s best that your B2B ecommerce platform integrated with your ERP system is a wise idea.

Prioritize ease of use

Allow people to navigate quickly to where they need to be when they reach your site. Is it easy for visitors to find the products they seek? Is there a search function and a simple-to-follow navigation process?

Try to prevent obstacles across the user experience. It’s all about keeping people on your website. You’ve likely tried pretty hard to get them there through practices such as SEO or PPC, so don’t waste this by delivering a poor user experience.

Tools that show what else might be of interest to customers based on what they’re browsing through or previous purchases can also help keep shoppers on your site and increase the chances of conversion.

Highlight Credibility

If a B2B purchaser is on your site for the first time, it’s a good idea to make it clear why you’re a trustworthy and credible B2B wholesale option for their business.

One way to do this is with testimonials from satisfied customers – provided you have some of course!

Including positive comments on your homepage can give potential shoppers confidence that you’re the company for them. Equally, make the most of any positive comments you get on social media. This is a great way to promote your brand and showcase the good work you do.

Inject some character!

B2B purchasers want to be confident in your brand, and one way to encourage this is by portraying a human side to what you do.

Blogs are a great way to simultaneously show your expertise in the B2B field, but also inject a sense of humor, character and personality to your brand. This can go a long way when it comes to potential customers deciding whether to shop with you or not.

Tick the boxes

Make it easy for shoppers to see all those necessities within B2B business. What delivery options do you have? What payment options are available? Do you have depots or stores they can visit and get a feel for your service and brand in person?

Promote what makes your business stand out from the crowd. But don’t neglect things from a logistical perspective. Give shoppers the information they need, and don’t make them search high and low for it. Be clear, concise, and give B2B purchasers everything they require.

The Cloudfy B2B Ecommerce platform offers excellent levels of flexibility and manageability, providing you with the tools to get your B2B website exactly as you want it

Get a quote from us today, and if you have any questions about what our platform, feel free to contact us.

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