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Don’t Let Your ERP Hold Back Your B2B Ecommerce: Get Out-of-the-Box Integration Today

Out if the box Integration_b2b ecommerce

At Cloudfy, we aimed to revolutionize ecommerce by simplifying, streamlining, and enhancing the online selling experience. Our solution? ERP-integrated ecommerce with Cloudfy.

It’s incredibly straightforward. You can effortlessly transfer your existing data and processes into your online store by seamlessly connecting your web store with your ERP system, where all your vital pricing structures, order availability, and customer information reside. How does this benefit your business? 

  • Boost sales efficiency with user-friendly online product catalogs.
  • Optimize business operations with automated online order processing.
  • Save time and ensure accuracy by leveraging existing complex pricing structures without the need for rebuilding.
  • Delight customers with real-time access to product details, inventory status, and order history, available 24/7.
  • Drive sales through personalized e-commerce marketing campaigns and tailored up-selling and cross-selling opportunities.

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